Vito Vom Waldfurter-Wald
(proudly presented by Von D'Andico kennels)
Birth date: 14 February 2020
Coat color: sable
Hips X-ray : HD Normal
Elbows X-ray: ED Fast Normal
Test D.M. - Neg. x Neg.
Vito is a young male, imported from Poland, he has a very promising future in the dog sport. Powerful dog with excellent bone structure and rich, sable stock coat. He is calm, obedient and has a very good temperament.
Vito is currently in training to earn his titles in the IPO sport

Simba Von Dandico
(proudly presented by Von D'Andico kennels)
Birth date: 27 May 2017
Coat color: sable
Titles: BH (2020) IPO1, IPO2 (2021)
Hips X-ray : Good
Elbows X-ray: Normal
Test D.M. - Neg. x Neg.
Simba is very calm, stable and obedient. He possesses very nice drive and great working abilities. He also has a well-balanced temperament, and is a powerful and very spirited dog, with a friendly personality. He is an excellent guard dog, yet he remains totally gentle and patient with children and other animals. He is strong boned with beautiful, plush, dark sable coat.
Simba is currently in training for IPO 3

Rollo Von Tannenblau
Birth date: 04 January 2021
Coat color: sable
Test D.M. - N.N.
Hips - Normal
Title - BH-VT
Rollo is a son of Axcel Von D'Andico and Shelly Von D'Andico. He is a beautiful young male to enter our breeding program.
Very powerful and very high drive, great working abilities. Strong bone structure and dark sable coat, excellent guard dog skills. Rollo has a "gentle giant" personality and gets along well with kids and other dogs in the house.
Rollo is currently in training for his IGP1 title